The Emini intraday market update is to help those ES traders who cannot be in the trading room all day, but still would like confirmation of what is going on. The market usually has a clear Always In direction between 8 am and 10 am (PST), which usually leads to a swing that lasts for two or more hours and often a trend for the rest of the day. The intraday report is only available to logged-in members until after the market close when it is opened to all.
My goal with the intraday market update is to let ES traders know my opinion of the trend early enough for them to place swing trades. Many days are trading range days, and knowing that is important as well because then traders will be more confident selling in the top third and buying in the bottom third of the day’s range.
The Emini intraday market update is for Members only until after the close when it will be available to everyone. Members can look for the update post just after 6:20am (PST).
I often refer to bar numbers instead of times. There are 81 bars on the 5 minute chart each day. When I refer to time, I use PST (Pacific Standard Time). Since I am usually also placing trades in my own accounts at these times, I have to type the update quickly. This means I may sometimes use abbreviations (see below). However, I will try to avoid abbreviations to make the report easier to read by others who are also busy trading at the saem time.
You can view the latest Emini update reports here: Intraday market updates.
Traders can see the end of the day bar-by-bar report by signing up for free at There I talk about the detailed Emini price action real-time throughout the day in the where a 2 day free trial is available.
Abbreviations for intraday market updates and end of day report
1BFF One Bar Final Flag
1P First Pause or Pullback in a strong trend
20GB Twenty Gap Bars, Twenty consecutive bars that have not touched the moving average
2BR Two Bar Reversal
2E Second Entry
2EB Second Entry Buy
2ES Second Entry Sell
2HM Two hours from moving average
2LD Two Legs Down
2LSD Two Legs Sideways or Down
2LSU Two Legs Sideways or Up
2LU Two Legs Up
2S Second Signal
2SB Second Signal Buy
2SS Second Signal Sell
3LD Third Leg Down
3LU Third Leg Up
4d Four consecutive bear bars and is therefore too strong for a long
4u Four consecutive bull bars and is therefore too strong for a short
5T (5t F) Five Tick Failure: the market reversed at 5 ticks
60MA 60 minute 20 bar Exponential Moving Average
? Possible
A2 A two legged PullBack to the Exponential Moving Average in a trend
A22 A second entry in a two legged Pullback to the Exponential Moving Average in a trend
AI Always In
AIA Always In Aggressive trader (takes every reversal, about 10 per day)
AIC Always In Conservative trader (only takes the strongest reversals, about 2-5 per day)
AIL Always In Long
AIS Always In Short
AR Actual Risk
ATH All Time High
ATM At the Money option strike price
B Buy or Long, depending on context
BA Buy Above or Buyers Above
BAG Breakaway Gap, the first gap of any kind after a trend reversal (only certain in hindsight)
BB Buy Below or Buyers at the low of the bar and probably scaling in lower
BB2 Better to wait for a Strong Bull Breakout or Second Entry Buy
BBS Bulls will scale in lower, bears will scale in higher
BBSA Buyers Below, Sellers Above
BD Bars Down
BDBU Big Down, Big Up
BDBUTR Big down + big up = big confusion = TradingRange likely
BE Breakeven
Bg Buying
BGP Buying Pressure
BLSH Buy Low Sell High
BLSHS Buy Low, Sell High, and Scalp
BLTR probably Bull leg in Trading Range and not in bull trend
BO Breakout
BOM Breakout Mode
BOP BreakOut Point
BOUD Breakout Up or Down
BP Breakout Pullback
BPs Breakout Pullbacks
Brs Buyers
BRTR probably Bear leg in Trading Range and not in bear trend
BT Breakout Test or Bought, depending on context
BTC Buy the Close
BTs Breakout Tests
BTW Better To Wait for higher probability or for easier to manage
BU Bars Up
BUBD Big Up, Big Down
BUBDTR Big up + big down = big confusion = TradingRange likely
BV Buy Vacuum
BW Barb Wire
BWBOUD Better to wait for a breakout up or down
BWT Better Wait for Tomorrow
BX Buy Climax
BXS Buy Climaxes
C Close
CBX Consecutive Buy Climax
CBXS Consecutive Buy Climaxes
CC consecutive
Cd Closed
CH Channel
CLM Close of Last Month
CLW Close of Last Week
CLYR Close of Last Year
CM Close of Month
COD Close of Day
COH Close on High
COL Close on Low
COLM Close of Last Month
COLW Close of Last Week
COM Close of Month
COT Close of Today
COW Close of Week
COY Close of Yesterday
CS Closes
CSX Consecutive Sell Climax
CSXS Consecutive Sell Climaxes
CT Countertrend, against the trend of the past several bars or even of the entire day
CY Close of Yesterday
DB Double Bottom, which can even be two consecutive bars with identical lows
DBBF Double Bottom Bull Flag, a horizontal pattern that contains a DoubleBottom and forming after a possible bottom
DBs Double Bottoms, which can even be two consecutive bars with identical lows
DD Doji Day
DL Dueling Lines
DP a DoubleTop PullBack or a DoubleBottom PullBack
DPs a DoubleTop PullBacks or a DoubleBottom PullBacks
DT Double Top, which can even be two consecutive bars with identical highs
DTBF Double Top Bear Flag, a horizontal pattern that contains a DoubleTop and forming after a possible top
DTs Double Tops
EB Entry Bar
EBs Entry Bars
EG Exhaustion Gap, a gap at any kind at the end of a trend, just before a reversal (only certain in hindsight)
EMA Exponential Moving Average (I use a 20 bar)
EOD End of Day
EOM End of Month
EOW End of Week
esp especially
ET Expanding Triangle
ETs Expanding Triangles
F Fail, Failure
FD Failed
FF Final Flag, usually a horizontal pattern after a trend. The breakout often fails and reverses
FFs Final Flags
FG Failing
FS Fails
FT Follow Through
FTCL Failed Trend Channel Line
G Gap
G2 A second entry on a gap setup
GB Gap Bar
GBs Gap Bars
GT Gap Test
H High or High of Day
H1 One legged pullback in a bull move
H2 Two legged pullback in a bull move
H3 Three legged pullback in a bull move
HD High of Day
HH Higher High
HH MTR Higher High Major Trend Reversal (a top)
HHs Higher Highs
HL Higher Low
HL MTR Higher Low Major Trend Reversal (a bottom)
HLM High of Last Month
HLs Higher Lows
HLW High of Last Week
HLYR High of Lasst Year
HM High of Month
HOD High of the Day
HOLM High of Last Month
HOO High of opening range
HOT High of Today so far
HOW High of Week
HOWL High of Last Week
HOY High of Yesterday
HOYR High of Year
HP High Probability
HPW Higher Probability to Wait for
Hr Higher
HRP Higher Probability
Hs Highs
HSB Head and Shoulders Bottom, a continuation pattern in both bull and bear markets that sometimes is a reversal pattern
HSBs Head and Shoulder Bottoms, continuation patterns in both bull and bear markets that sometimes are reversal patterns
HST Head and Shoulders Top, a bull continuation pattern in both bull and bear markets that sometimes is a reversal pattern
HSTs Head and Shoulder Tops, bull continuation patterns in both bull and bear markets that sometimes are reversal patterns
HTF Higher Time Frame (a 60 min chart compared to a 5 min)
HTFs Higher Time Frames (a 60 min chart compared to a 5 min)
HW High of Week
HY High of Yesterday
IB Inside bar, the high of the bar is at or below the high of the prior bar and the low is at or above the low of the prior bar
ID Inside Day
ii consecutive inside bars
iii Three inside bars in a row
ioi outside bar surrounded by inside bars
IR Initial Risk
L Low or Low of Day
L1 One legged PullBack in a bear move
L1=2 Leg 1 equals Leg 2 Measureed Move
L2 Two legged PullBack in a bear move
L3 Three legged PullBack in a bear move
LD Low of Day
LH Lower High
LH MTR Lower High Major Trend Reversal (a top)
LHs Lower Highs
LHST Left shoulder of a Head and Shoulders Top
lim limit order
LL Lower Low
LL MTR Lower Low Major Trend Reversal (a bottom)
LLM Low of Last Month
LLs Lower Lows
LLW Low of Last Week
LLYR Low of Last Year
LM Low of Month
LOD Low of the Day
LOLM Low of Last Month
LOLW Low of Last Week
LOM Limit Order Market, sellers scaling in above, buyers below, both scalping
LOO Low of opening range
LOT Low of Today so far
LOTR Low of Year
LOY Low of Yesterday
LP Low Probability
LPB Low Probability Buy and sideways more likely than up
LPS Low Probability Short and sideways more likely than down
Lr Lower
LRP Lower Probability
Ls Lows
LTR Lower Trading Range
LW Low of Week
LY Low of Yesterday
MA Moving Average
MAG Moving Average Gap Bar
MAGS Moving Average Gap Bars
MC Microchannel
MDB Micro Double Bottom
MDBS Micro Double Bottoms
MDT Micro Double Top
MDTS Micro Double Tops
MG Measuring Gap, a gap of any kind that can lead to a measured move (only certain in hindsight)
MGs Measuring Gaps, gaps of any kind that can lead to measured moves (only certain in hindsight)
MIN Minimum or Minutes
mkt market
MM Measured Move
MMD Measured Move Down
MMs Measured Moves
MMT Measured Move Target
MMTS Measured Move Targets
MMU Measured Move Up
MMUD Measured Move Up or Down
mo momentum
MP Midpoint
MRLD Most Recent Leg Down
MRLU Most Recent Leg Up
MTB Micro Triple Bottom
MTCL Micro Trend Channel Line
MTL Micro Trend Line
MTR Major Trend Reversal
MTRS Major Trend Reversals
MTT Micro Triple Top
MW MicroWedge, a wedge formed by only 3 – 4 bars
NEBM Not Enough Bars for Major Trend Reversal so Trading Range likely
NEBP Not Enough Buying Pressure
NESP Not Enough Selling Pressure
NHEP Not High Enough Probability unless swing stop and scale in
NS Not high enough probability for a scalp
NSS Not high enough probability for Scalp, not enough time or room for Swing, better to wait
NTS Not enough time to swing or to scale in with limit orders
O Open
OB Outside bar, the high is at or above the high of the prior bar and the low is at or below the low
OBSSS Only Buy if Swing Stop and Scale in Lower
OBT Overbought
OD Outside down bar (an Outside bar with its Close below its open and a body that is at least a third of its range)
ODD Outside Down Day
OL OverLap
OLM Open of Last Month
OLW Open of Last Week
OLYR Open of Last Year
OM Open of Month
OO OutsideBar followed by a larger OutsideBar
OOD Open of Day
OOM Open of Month
OOT Open of Today
OOW Open of Week
OOY Open of Yesterday
OR Opening Reversal
ORG Opening Range
ORV Opening Reversal
OSD Oversold
OSS Only Scalp if wide Stop and Scale in
OSSSS nly Sell if Swing Stop and Scale in Higher
OTM Out of the Money option strike price
OU outside up bar (an Outside bar with its Close above its open and a body that is at least a third of its range)
OUD Outside Up Day
OW Open of Week
OY Open of Yesterday
P Probability
PB Pullback
PBs Pullbacks
PBX Parabolic Buy Climax
poss possible
prob probably
PS Probabilities
PSX Parabolic Sell Climax
PT Profit Target
PTG Profit Taking
PTR Profit Taker
PTRS Profit Takers
pts points
PW Parabolic Wedge
R1AR Reward 1 Times Actual Risk
R1IR Reward 1 Times Initial Risk
R1R Reward 1 Times Risk
R2AR Reward 2 Times Actual Risk
R2IR Reward 2 Times Initial Risk
R2R Reward 2 Times Risk
RB Reversal Bar
RBs Reversal Bars
RD Reversal Day
RHST Right shoulder of a Head and Shoulders Top
RR Risk Reward, or Risk Reward Ratio, most easily thought of as the size of your stop compared to the size of your profit target
RRR Risk Reward Ratio
RS Resistance
S Sell or Short, depending on context
SA Sell Above or Sellers at the high of the bar and probably scaling in higher
SABB Sellers Above, Buyers Below
SB Sell Below or Sellers Below or Signal Bar (depending on context)
SBO2 Small breakout of a small breakout
SBs Signal Bars
SC Spike and Channel (bull or bear)
SCB Spike and Channel Bottom (see book)
SCS Swing stop, but scale in, then scalp or swing
SCT Spike and Channel Top (see book)
SCX Spike and climax type of spike and channel
SD Sideways to Down
Sg Selling
SGP Selling Pressure
SH Swing High
SHs Swing Highs
SL Swing Low
SLs Swing Lows
SP Support
SPB Small Pullback
SPBTD Small PullBack Trend Day
SR Support and/or Resistance, depending on context
Srs Sellers
SS Shrinking Stairs
SS2 Better to wait for a Strong Bear Breakout or Second Entry Sell
STC Sell the Close
STE Strong Trader’s Equation
STF Shorter Time Frame (a 1 min chart compared to a 5 min)
STFs Shorter Time Frames (a 1 min chart compared to a 5 min)
SU Sideways to Up
SV Sell Vacuum
SW SideWays
SX Sell Climax
SXS Sell Climaxes
T Today or Tick (e.g., 5t = 5 tick move) depending on context
T1 1st Trend
T1B Trend from the first bar or so of the day
T2 2nd Trend
T3 3rd Trend
TB Trend Bar
TBs Trend Bars
TBTL approx. Ten Bar, Two-Legged Correction
TC Tight Channel (was Trend Channel)
TCL Trend Channel Line
TCL R Trend Channel Line overshoot and reversal
TCLs Trend Channel Lines
TD Trend Day
TE Traders Equation (chance of success times the reward needs to be greater than chance of loss times the risk)
TF Time Frame
TFs Time Frames
TL Trendline
TLOS Trend Tine OverShoot and reversal
TLs Trendlines
TM Tomorrow
TMBP Too Much Buying Pressure
TMSP Too Much Selling Pressure
TOD Time of Day
TR Trading Range
TRD Trading Range Day
TRDS Trading Range Days
TRE Trend Resumption
TRES Trend Resumption
TREV Trend Reversal
tri Possible Triangle (5 or more increasing smaller or larger legs in a sideways pattern)
TRs Trading Ranges
TRSV Trend Resumption or Trend Reversal
TRTR Tight Trading Range, BreakOut will probably lead to either trend resumption or trend reversal
TST Two-Sided Trading
TT Triple Top
TTR Tight Trading Range
TTRD Trending Trading Range Day
TTRDS Trending Trading Range Days
TTRL Tight Trading Range, limit order market, bulls scaling in below and bears above
TTRNS Tight Trading Range, bad for scalping with stop entries unless using swing stop
TTRTE Tight Trading Range Trumps Everything
TY 10 Year U.S. Treasury Notes Futures
UD Up and or Down
UTR Upper Trading Range
vol volume
W Wedge or anything similar, like any 3 push pattern
W2 Wedge2, Wedge 2nd entry or a Failed Failed Wedge
WB2 Wait for breakout or second entry
WFT Better to wait for tomorrow
Ws Wedges or anything similar, like any 3 push patterns
WSS Wide Stop and Scale in, swing or scalp
WT With Trend, in the direction of the trend of the past several bars or even of the entire day
WTB Better to Wait to Buy
WTE Weak Trader’s Equation
WTS Better to Wait to Sell
X Climax
Xs Climaxes
Y High, Low, major Swing High or Low from Yesterday
Y2 Yesterday’s High or Low 2nd Entry
Ys Y’s = Yesterday’s